Guidelines for manuscripts
Guidelines for manuscripts

Aegyptus et Pannonia 6.

Aegyptus et Pannonia / Guidelines for manuscripts

On receipt of a manuscript, the scientific committee will review and evaluate the manuscripts and might suggest changes for the author(s).

Proofs will be sent to the author(s) for review via email, and must be returned to the editor within two weeks of receipt.

We ask the authors to send their manuscripts electronically, in MS Word with pictures in separate files. We also need to get the whole article in PDF format including all tables, figures and photographs, and also given the authors’s institutional affiliation.

Pictures are expected in jpg or tif format, and printable at minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch.

Manuscripts should be composed in 12 point type (Times New Roman font is preferred), with footnotes (references abbreviated*). The article must include a summary of not more than 250 words.

All illustrations (photographs, line drawings, maps, etc.) are to be labelled as “Figures.”  Captions for all figures should be included as a separate page. Authors are solely responsible for obtaining any and all permissions for reproducing photographs, illustrations, etc., prior to the publication of any accepted article.

Please send the manuscript as attachments to the

Please use the free JSESH program to generate all hieroglyphs, available at:, and compose them in horizontal lines, read left to right. For transliteration of ancient Egyptian we recommend using the standard free transliteration font also available online.

For Greek we recommend Athenian which can be found online at:


Acknowledgments and enumerations of staff should be made in the first numbered note.

* Works cited in the article or footnotes should be abbreviated always as author’s name and publication date (if needed completed with letters e.g. 1997a, 1997b etc.). If certain authors have the same family name, then the initial of the first name may be used.

For digital references please use Digital Object Identifier (DOI) if possible.

For Egyptological abbreviations see IFAO web site:

Authors name should be given with full first name, publication data should include place and year of publication and publishers’names. (omitted if it is self-evident from the series title, or it is a journal). Examples:

CAUVILLE 1997 = Sylvie Cauville, Dendara. Les chapelles osiriennes 2. Commentaire. BdE 118, Cairo, IFAO 1997.

MITTEN/DOERINGER 1967 = Mitten David Gordon – Suzannah Doeringer, Masterbronzes from the Classical World, Exhibitions in The Fogg Art Museum, City Art Museum of Saint Louis, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1967-1968, Mainz, Zabern 1967.

BENEŠOVSKÁ 2006 = Hana Benešovská, Statues from the Pyramid Complex of the King Raneferef, in: Miroslav Verner (ed.), Abusir IX. The Pyramid Complex of Raneferef. The Archaeology. Prague, Czech Institute of Egyptology 2006, 360-437.

MATHIEU 2001 = Bernard Mathieu, Travaux de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale en 2000-2001, BIFAO 101, 2001, 449–610.

Authors receive a pdf-file of the final form of their article as “offprints.” Authors may duplicate this .pdf file or print as many copies as they desire for private distribution. The hard copy of one volume is included in the registration fee.

If you have any questions please contact us.